Things to Do in New York City

New York City

things to do in new york city

Things to Do in New York City

New York is an extraordinary metropolis, boasting an array of activities and sights for every member of the family to enjoy. No matter if you love history or simply exploring what life has to offer in its big apple setting.

Are you searching for an unforgettable city experience? Consider taking an aerial tour. Not only will you witness some of its top sights, but you’ll get an impressive bird’s-eye view of its skyline too!

Watch a Baseball Game

One of the best activities in New York City is watching a baseball game. This global sport draws millions of spectators each season.

Game play involves two teams, each consisting of nine players. The aim is to score runs (points) by having someone from the batting team hit a ball that is thrown by another member from the fielding team.

For this to work effectively, a batter must hit the ball so it travels counterclockwise around four bases arranged at each corner of a square-shaped diamond. Opposing teams attempt to stop this by catching or tagging batters before they hit bases; or by stopping runners before they can reach bases.

Watch a Tennis Tournament

Tennis tournaments are highly-attended sporting events involving hitting a tennis ball with a racket over a net. They draw thousands of attendees annually.

Top players can often rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars through prize money, endorsement deals and appearance fees; as well as merchandise sales.

Sports enthusiasts who appreciate tennis can attend one of the world’s renowned tournaments like the US Open held annually in New York City as an enjoyable spectator sport experience.

Arrive early for the U.S. Open, as it can become quite crowded quickly and admission may prove challenging. Plus, there are free events you can enjoy before the main draws commence!

Watch a Broadway Show

An unforgettable New York City experience, seeing a Broadway show is one of the top things to do and should not be missed by any traveler visiting this great city.

There are various theaters in New York City that host Broadway shows, such as the Hudson Theater, Brooklyn Academy of Music and Al Hirschield Theatre.

Experienced Broadway showgoers know it can be expensive to see performances live, but there are ways to reduce costs. Some shows offer “rush” tickets that can be purchased at half the cost of regular tickets.

Ride a Bike in Central Park

Riding a bike through Central Park is one of the best ways to explore it, with various types of bikes to meet all needs and wants.

Choose from various packages and rent a bike for one or more days – each includes the necessary bike, helmet, lock and map.

Bicycle tours of parks are also offered, whereby a tour guide will show you around. They’ll show you all of the most famous attractions while imparting more knowledge on its history and art.

Bicycle lanes designed specifically for cyclists allow visitors to take advantage of cycling in the park and experience its beauty first-hand. Plus, cyclists get exclusive use of these closed off roadways! Enjoy stunning views while witnessing nature at work in its full glory at every turn.

Visit the Cloisters

For anyone interested in medieval art and architecture, The Cloisters at the Met Museum offers an incredible experience. Boasting one of Europe’s premier collections of European Medieval art set within elaborate gardens.

Visits to the Cloisters are one of the most memorable things to do in New York City and an excellent family activity.

The Cloisters is an upper Manhattan branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art inspired and composed of European cloisters. This patchwork of structures from abbeys and monasteries such as Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa, Trie-sur-Baise, Froville, and Bonnefont-en-Comminges in France makes up this building.

Visit the Cloisters alone or join a guided highlights tour, both included with admission. In addition, select tours stop by other branches of the Met.

Visit St. Peter’s Cathedral

The Neo-Gothic Roman Catholic cathedral is one of New York City’s most well-known landmarks, situated across from Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue between East 50th and 51st Streets.

Built between 1858 and 1878, Saint Patrick Cathedral in New York City is one of the largest cathedrals in North America and serves as home for Archbishop of New York as well as being considered a National Historic Landmark.

Visitors from around the globe come together at this sacred space to pray and commemorate. Visitors may tour it, attend mass services or simply relax while sitting and reflecting.

Visit Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station is a must see when visiting NYC, serving as home to New York subway trains as well as offering shopping, restaurants and other attractions.

The terminal can be found on 42nd Street in Midtown Manhattan and boasts 44 train platforms with stunning architecture as well as shops and eateries.

This building also has an incredible history. First constructed in 1871 and later rebuilt multiple times.

No matter its age, this architectural masterpiece draws visitors from around the globe.

At 67 tracks and 44 platforms, it is the world’s largest railroad terminal and one of the three busiest train stations in North America.

Visit Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

Lincoln Center, one of the premier performing arts centers worldwide, is a staple in New York City. Situated on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and comprising 16 acres, this 16-acre complex provides space for many organizations as well as offering visitors a diverse selection of performances and exhibits.

Events take place throughout the year that offer opera, dance, symphony, theater and other performances to provide visitors with an opportunity to see some of the finest performing artists around.

Lincoln Center is well known for its world-renowned venues like the Metropolitan Opera House and David Geffen Hall, hosting concerts, operas, ballet performances, as well as other attractions that attract thousands each year. These are among the main buildings of Lincoln Center; however there are other attractions within its confines worth seeing as well.

Visit The Little Island

Little Island NYC is a new public park that boasts an outstanding landscape and stunning views, nestled within Hudson River Park in New York City. Visitors should pay Little Island NYC a visit when visiting this vibrant city!

Although not a large park, there are multiple walking paths that wind their way around it and several overlook sections that provide great views of downtown Manhattan and the Hudson River.

Little Island offers many events throughout the year, ranging from music performances and poetry readings to dance classes and comedy shows. Some require tickets; make sure you consult our event calendar before planning your visit!

Visit The New York Public Library

If you enjoy reading, make sure to visit the New York Public Library – one of New York City’s most iconic buildings boasting a staggering selection of books!

Since its opening in 1911, The Main Branch has become a favorite for tourists and locals alike. There is much to discover here, from Rose Main Reading Room with its 105-year-old mural to manuscripts by literary luminaries such as Virginia Woolf and James Wall Finn.

This library houses an incredible collection of books on New York State history and local culture that can help genealogists research their ancestry. A visit here should not only satisfy history enthusiasts but anyone seeking knowledge!